    最近更新时间:2022-09-09 18:53:54

    1. 接口描述

    接口URL:https://open.datastory.com.cn/api/datastory.indicator.category.category-list 请求方式:POST 描述:通过该接口可查看电商商品品类数据详情,包括:品类名、品类ID、级别等等,具体输出内容可查看输出参数示例。

    2. 输入参数

    以下请求参数列表仅列出了接口请求参数和部分公共参数,完整公共参数列表见 公共请求参数。

    参数名称 必选 默认值 类型 参数示例 描述
    appkey string "predeploy" 权限校验标识
    categoryDto Array { "level": 1} 品类层级,1-5之间
    openStrategy boolean false 是否接受缓存
    page integer 1 分页查询的页码,默认1
    pageSize integer "20" 分页查询的单页数据条数,默认20

    3. 输出参数

    参数名称 必选 类型 参数示例 描述
    code integer 0 返回状态码,内部定义
    data Array of ResponseDataOfCategoryVo (见接口示例) 查询过滤条件
    msg string "接口返回成功!" 接口返回信息说明,在接口返回失败时会有
    openStrategy boolean false 是否接受缓存
    success boolean true 接口返回是否成功

    4. 数据结构

    4.1 ResponseDataOfCategoryVo

    参数名 必选 类型 参数示例 描述
    dataset [Array of CategoryVo,Array of CategoryVo] (见接口示例) 查询过滤条件
    dorisTime integer "458" 查询Doris耗时,单位毫秒
    meta array "list" 返回数据格式:list、aggregation、graph
    page integer 1 分页查询的页码
    pageSize integer "20" 分页查询的单页数据条数
    time integer "955" 查询总耗时,单位毫秒
    total integer "34500230" 查询数据总量

    4.1.1 CategoryVo

    参数名 必选 类型 参数示例 描述
    categoryVos array 子品类集合
    createTimestamp integer
    firstCatId integer 1 一级品类ID
    fourthCatId integer "56" 四级品类ID
    id integer "23" 品类ID
    itemId string "e8353343bd2f0927c49986d033abde36" 品类itemId
    keywords array
    level integer 2 品类层级
    name string "手机" 品类名称
    secondCatId integer "23" 二级品类ID
    thirdCatId integer "45" 三级品类ID
    updateTimestamp integer
    url string

    5. 示例

    示例1 查看某个品类下的列表


      "appkey": "predeploy",
      "categoryDto": {
         "level": 1
      "openStrategy": false


        "success": true,
        "openStrategy": false,
        "code": 0,
        "msg": "接口返回成功!",
        "data": {
            "meta": {
                "datasetType": "list"
            "dataset": [
                    "id": 1,
                    "itemId": "4ae6cbe84d14e49933b3bd46fa0aff74",
                    "name": "时尚饰品",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 409,
                    "itemId": "94b0c7a07be07bcf10e7b930a0b39ae3",
                    "name": "户外运动",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 2158,
                    "itemId": "8111973802394bc18e0504911e7b2665",
                    "name": "母婴用品",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 3116,
                    "itemId": "34173e05e9a0dfb65d3f7bb6dfe8bcc2",
                    "name": "家用电器",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 3901,
                    "itemId": "42787c9ce355e13245f48ab3ce379b72",
                    "name": "食品饮料",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 5216,
                    "itemId": "503fe96fd8b7489b59224238b4d992f2",
                    "name": "汽车",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 5626,
                    "itemId": "e8353343bd2f0927c49986d033abde36",
                    "name": "3C数码",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 6636,
                    "itemId": "469f3d29b691d974bb293d671c9fd465",
                    "name": "家居日用",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 10936,
                    "itemId": "878d2f24ea9b4566d44097afac4f98d4",
                    "name": "服饰鞋包",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 11241,
                    "itemId": "4aafc193c6883685d03bc5f2f78baff3",
                    "name": "美妆个护",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 11630,
                    "itemId": "74b7739ceae319ba417268b2df153c8b",
                    "name": "文化娱乐",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
                    "id": 20000,
                    "itemId": "4f72c0fea7ce0100b23ea85f5e89f7aa",
                    "name": "汽车配件",
                    "level": 1,
                    "createTimestamp": 1650902400000,
                    "updateTimestamp": 1650902400000
            "total": 12,
            "time": 15

    6. 状态码


    状态码 描述
